Order Cheap SketchUp Pro 2019 Online on stfsoft.com
The team of developers have done their best in order to ensure that SketchUp Pro 2019 includes all the necessary updates to make it faster and smoother in both, SketchUp and Layout. Understanding the challenges faced by the designers and engineers, as well as limitations of previous versions, the 2019 version of SketchUp Pro has obviously made a number of valuable and fit-for-purpose modifications. Honestly speaking, one can surely observe the improvement in speed and new add-ons, like SketchUp Viewers, Trimble Connect and the latest SketchUp Campus, which represents an original learning centre.
Fresh-New Welcome Window
The Welcome Screen (accessible via SketchUp) has undergone a major modification and, apart from visual upgrades, also includes a fresh Learn Section that provides users with direct access to the the SketchUp Campus, SketchUp Videos as well as SketchUp Forum.
Upgraded Line Styles
Users now are provided with ability to include line styles straight in SketchUp, which is under control by layers. The layer can be assigned with a different line type via Dashes option from the Layer tray. This upgrade contains all necessary line types, in order to generate impressive 2D drawings. The line styles feature is not active for section cuts, but shows good performance with setbacks, boundary lines, etc.
Tape Measure Tool
The Tape Measure tool has undergone upgrades as well and now provides the ability to see the length of a line, datum height (coordinates), face area, through hovering the mouse above the objects or in space.
Section Fill Improvements
Section Fill enhancements, though not major, but quite handy. Back in 2018 version, the Section Fill would not be able to function, if faces were hidden. On the other hand, the Section Fill in the 2019 version is able to recognize hidden faces automatically and perform smart fill if activated.
New Welcome Window
The Welcome Screen (which appears once the Layout is launched), has undergone an improvement similarly to the new Welcome Screen from SketchUp. It has been modified to provide maximum comfort to the users.
Enhancements of DWG/DXF Import & Export
Users are provided with ability to export and import 2018 DWG files, which is very handy in case of dealing with other Project Stakeholders that require the latest DWG format.
Control of Line Style via SketchUp
All of the line styles assigned inside the SketchUp model are subject to changes inside the Layout, so that the use is able to control the line scale across every specific drawing reference. This feature provides a full control of each created plan, as well as the capability to perform necessary modifications to fit all the various drawing scales used inside the 2D drawing set.
SketchUp Pro 2019 is a valuable purchase that is available at STFSoft Store, because it can provide all the fit-for-purpose toolsets and modifications to create a more reactive execution, seamless work, as well as ability to handle very complex designs with ease and accuracy.